Picture of Janet


My Two Veterans

Reading Time: 2 minutes

I give thanks to all of those that I know who have served with these two veteran sons of mine. 

I am thinking about you, as I recall the stories or names I remember Jake and Josh saying. I am saying a prayer for the many of you that I have personal knowledge of where your life is now.

I give thanks for my dad’s service.

But indulge me a bit more about my own sons. And in doing so, I hope that you know that I know the awe of their sacrifice, their hearts, the way service changed them in ways that you yourself know. Either in your own sacrifice or that of those you love. My sons are just two in a cadre that is almost endless of men and women who bless the people they promise to protect. I pray a blessing to you on this day.

Josh and my Jake in heaven, your Dad, Silent Bob, was very proud of you. You did something he always thought he should have done. I know your grandfathers Bob Sr. and Jack Jr. are as well. However pride works in heaven. 

And me your mother, I look at these images and remember the day Jake left for deployment and the day you came home from your last one, my Josh, and I am grateful for the men God gave me. I think about those years that those two events span and I know how it changed you into people whose hearts and minds were shaped in ways that no other experience would have forged. And I know that you both served with honor and grace and mercy. I am proud of you. Always. Thank you. I love you. 


3 Responses

  1. Loving mother, Janet with this beautiful article. To all the many Active members of the Armed Forces and to the Veterans that have served our country, “Thank You”.

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