


Reading Time: < 1 minute

All summer long the girls in my hives have been working. They scrounged the country side for pollen and nectar. 

Because not much bloomed in the fields at our place. We are busy getting rid of the cow grasses to make room for the native ones. 

And apparently, they had no clue this was 2020. 

Because they outdid themselves.

My brother Neil and his fiancé Stacy, who had never been to the farm, drove down to spend some time soaking in the peace. 

Because peace there is when you get yourself out into nature. It’s healing.

Neil, never one to sit idle when there are things that can be done to help, harvested the honey. 

Leaving more than ample supply for the winter, he and Stacy brought in over 90 pounds. 

(Remember, it takes 556 worker bees to gather enough nectar for a pound of honey.)

I miss my Silent Bob. I don’t go out to the farm that I don’t carry him with me one way or the other. 

My sons and I dedicate this year’s honey harvest to him. My SB got a lot of pleasure out of getting things from nature and putting them in jars. 

If I have promised you a jar, get in touch with me. Otherwise you can buy any amount above the gift jar for $5. 

Oh, and here is Stacy and Neil. They made this possible. Them and my bee girls. And God. 

11 Responses

  1. Honey! I want your honey. Please and thank you. I would love to buy a few jars, if you have some to spare.

    Yes, nature is my grounding place too. Lately for me it’s the trees…growing, flexing with the winds, rooted deep…reminding me I can be “like a tree planted by streams of water” (Psalm 1).
    Bless you, Janet, for reminding us of what’s important (even as you deal with your pain of loss).
    There is always hope.

  2. I want honey, too! Thank you, Janet. Can I help pay for shipping? Let me know if you need my address.

    I so appreciate this positive email today. Happy for Neil!

    Sharon Alexander

  3. This is so awesome! I love bees! I would love to buy some jars if you have any to spare. What a wonderful way to honor Silent Bob. Love and hugs to you! Thank you for doing this, Janet! Please thank Neil and Stacy too!


  4. That is amazing…and made me cry a little bit. Remembering the peace and calm we felt at the farm and all the love that is there. Bob would have loved this. ❤❤❤💔

  5. loved hearing about your bee harvest. I know the peace of working in/with nature. Calming.
    If you still have a couple of jars, I’d love to buy them. We could pick them up at your house.

    1. Fran, so nice to hear from you!!. yes I have some jars left. Just let me know when you might be coming my way

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