Picture of Janet


Go Greek

Reading Time: 2 minutes

If you’ve been reading anything about me you know that just about 9 years ago I joined an unusual Sunday School in the church I have been a member of since I had my second son.

I joined it because I could be anonymous at a time when I wanted that (the class at that time was just about 200 people).

I did it because a friend who knew me, knew that I needed to know truth, not Baptist rhetoric (the friend suggested that the lawyer who ran the class spoke the original languages that the Bible was written in).

I have stayed in it because the more I have listened, the more I have learned (and grown in my love and understanding of the Grace that is the Christian faith).

The class has been such a part of life because the world we live in is very confusing. It’s a world full of information. So much that its easy to rely upon what we want to believe or someone else tells us we should believe. Let me give you the words of my sunday school teacher regarding this:

“We live in an independent society and age in America. The Internet has opened up for everyone an exhaustive sea of information, and to some degree we have become a society able to find what we want, when we want it. It reinforces this self-definition of not just right and wrong, but of who God is, what he or she is like, and more. We become masters of our own beliefs in ways that couldn’t have happened before. You can always find someone on the Internet who will feed whatever intellectual meal you wish to eat.

The key for the believer is to look for truth. Sometimes that takes a deep examination, but truth can be found. It is not always what we find on the Internet. It is not always what we want to hear or believe, but truth can be found.”


This teacher, his name is Mark Lanier, is going to do something very interesting on August 16th. He’s going to start a class where we look at the New Testament in its original language. In it’s original language! Imagine that!!?? And he’s going to do it by sharing his knowledge and ability to read Greek (when Jesus walked the earth, most people were speaking Greek or some version,) so if we really want to know what he said and what he meant, we need to understand it what the Greek words meant to those listening. And writing.

If you are wanting to figure out the truth, join me.

You can do it three ways:

1. Come to class
2. Watch live on line
3. Or watch on YouTube, with a 4 day lag.

If you want to get a taste of how these classes go, try these two lessons. They will be some of the best information, from a loving, intelligent, respectful teacher on the difference between Christianity and Islam.

Part 1

Part 2

If you would like to have the papers that accompany these videos so that you can get the references to these talks and check the facts, go to http://lessons.biblical-literacy.org


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