

Before and After #2

Reading Time: 2 minutes

The Kitchen
looked like this:

Please note the brown paneling and the yellow linoleum, two very popular items.. in hmm.. about the 60’s .. I should know, we had them in our house in Arkansas…

For a little better frame of reference, it also looked like this…

(Just so you know… that yellow linoleum was glued, ALL OVER, to the floor and if not for the leak under the sink, evidenced by the blue bucket you see, we would never have discovered that the glue, while impenetrable to jack hammers, tile and cement removers and all manner of nasty, organic solvents… all it took was a little… well, no, a rather large leak from under the sink one night after we left, that all we needed was to douse the floor in water… just so you know.)

And the sink, at least 70 years old looked like this…

And after several Brother Neil man hours, looked like this…

And then,

After Grandmother did her magic…

Come have lunch with me!!

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