Old houses, before there were utility rooms, had a windowed room, just about big enough to put an old washtub or if you had a lot of money, a ringer washing machine. In our old farm house, being from the 30s and having gone through decades of use, sported an added on, lean-too, decaying room tacked to the back porch…
So the first thing you have to do it to get help to tear down the lean too…
And a little more muscle…
And now for the roof!
In another post we’ll go over just how hard it was to reframe those windows… for now, just trust me.
You gotta get the new door dimensions right… okay, so Silent Bob and Brother Neil don’t trust me. Just cause I messed up that one time… geez.. such perfectionists.
A little architectural landscaping…
Go Johnny, GO!
The first AFTER!
2 Responses
Wow, it’s looking good!
I couldn’t believe how you all changed that old house! It is really a pretty home now! When I first saw it I thought you would have to tear it all down and start over, but what do I know! It’s really something to be proud of