We bought the farm… in early 2008, a skinny little piece of land, that rolls up and down, just outside of Hempstead. We got good neighbors, Gene and Debbie on one side and the Buddhist Meditation Center on the other.

I heard a rancher say one time that he didn’t want all the land, just what bordered his, and while I get that, we still have, well, just that one little piece. But it’s the home of GalleyWinter Cattle Company and its the home of our heart.

Stay tuned here for what we did with the condemned old farm house that came with that skinny piece of land as well as the goings on city slickin’ cow raisin.
2 Responses
Where is the “after” photo?
OH, I see.. it’s in 2 parts …so the after photo will be in the next part. But I want It NOW.